Stop Trying So Hard; Love Will Find You! Tips For Single Ladies Searching For Love
It’s hard being a single lady. Everywhere you go, there is evidence of dreamy romance: from the epic weddings on BellaNaija to the pre-wedding shoots of Instagram. It’s like the world ganged up on you to show you what you’re missing by not being in a relationship and frankly, that sucks.
So instead of looking so hard or trying to hook up so desperately, why don’t you focus on other things:
Enjoy Life On Your Own.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being single and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Just so you know, it can be really liberating to just enjoy your single life. Travel, attend events, meet new people, experience new things; you could meet someone special at any moment but until that happens, you should be living every day to the fullest because the truth is, you only live once.
Leaving Things to Play Out Isn’t Giving Up
Remember you’re not letting go, you’re just leaving it up to fate. When you shift your focus from finding love to being a better person, you feel less pressure which is fantastic for your health.
Remember that you’re still open to finding love and who knows, the universe might have bigger plans in store for you than you could have put together for yourself.
Feels Pretty Epic When You Find The Right Person
When it happens, you just know. There’ll be no doubt, worry or concern. Literarily everything will work out fpr your good without you stressing it. What’s great is that everyone who sees you both will know how perfect you are for each other; you wont have to say a word!
So Whatever You Do, Don’t Settle
You’ll be doing yourself a great disservice if you do. It doesn’t take time for things to fizzle out and you realize that you’ve made a huge mistake. Wait, trust me when you do, you’ll see that it was totally worth it.
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