What is friendship to you? Who do u concern a friend? How do u know, that ONE true friend that always has your back no matter what happens and believes in you when no one does. Thus, having a best friend is the most important thing in life because no man is an ISLAND also they are the ones with whom you will share all your joy, sorrows and some very private secrets.

When you have a lot of friends, it becomes challenging to know, who is being true to you and who is just another FAKE friend.At any given time, you can find lots of false friends who portray themselves as if they are your best friend forever. You seriously need to keep away from such Negative individuals.To make sure you are staying in a positive environment that’s best for your success and happiness, ensure that your Best Friends (As you think!) have such qualities:

They keep your secret, a secret!
Yes, best friends never reveal your secret to anyone, no matter how close they are to that particular person.When someone asks them something (a private affair about you, they will just reply, ‘I don’t know about that,’ rather than to reveal the secret)
If any of your friends aren’t able to keep your secret, they aren’t worth your trust for real.

They don’t argue with you.
When was the last time that you argued with your best friend? A long time back? And how long did it last? Five–to-Six short minutes? This states that best friends usually don’t fall into an argument. Of course, as a human being with the ability to think, arguments are inevitable, it will happen once in a while. But not as often.
Even if they argue with you, they do it respectfully and always try to end it as soon as possible.
A true best friend should be able to accept you the way you are; you don’t need to be perfect to get a best friend. The world is full of like-minded people, and therefore you shouldn’t have to worry about that.

They remain FAITHFUL even when the chips are Low.

 Yes, best friends ( a true one) will never gossip about you on your back. They will say whatever they feel like,to your face and not behind your back.
For them, speaking what they believe in,to your face isn’t a hard task. Your BFF’s should know that you will never get offended by their words.Moreover, they will never say anything that might hurt you even in the slightest manner.
Your best friend simply likes you, and that’s the reason why you are their best friend.

They are Good Listeners
Yes, best friends are excellent listeners, they will listen to whatever you tell them – your sorrows, your joy, your breakup, or the fight you had with your boss,  basically THE BEST PERSON TO RANT TO. 
No matter, how long you keep on chattering, they will be listening quietly and with great enthusiasm. But, that doesn’t mean, you won’t give your friend a chance to speak.Simply let the conversation flow naturally and stop when either of you is tired of listening/speaking. It is not a real friendship if only one person does the whole talking and other does none.

They don’t Care about your Past
The Past is gone and cannot be changed; therefore best friends never give a damn about it. In your past, you might not have been as good as you are now, but that doesn’t matter.
Best friends believe in living in the present, no matter how colorful or grayed your past might be.
Just reveal some of your pasts’ to your current best friend and see how they react to it.You can quickly know, what’s on their mind

They never Leave you Alone
Ever saw your best friend leaving you alone and hanging around with other guys/girls? No, right? Best friends never do that.
They will never leave you alone in social gatherings or anyplace. Instead, your best friend may leave others to give you company. They even take you wherever they go!

They never get Jealous
They don’t get jealous of your success. Instead of thinking “Why not me?” best friends are always happy for you. They don’t waste their time in a pit of jealousy when something good happens to you. They love your progress and always believe in your potential.

They never let you Suffer Alone
No matter how hard you try to hide your feelings, your Best friend will come to know about it. They will never let you suffer alone.
Instead, they will make their greatest effort to bring a smile on your face.
And yeah! If s/he is your best friend, they will definitely know a sure shortcut-way to bring an instant smile on your face, even if you are in your biggest grief.

They don’t let you do Crazy Things alone
Yup! Your best friend is as crazy as you are, and won’t let you do anything crazy without him/her.
They are ready to go out with you and experience the most insane moment without thinking about what others might think.
For them, you and those crazy moments are much more expensive than people’s opinion about it.

So TODAY look around your so called friends and examine them, the bitter truth is that if they do not have anything good to OFFER you as a friend move on to the next,that one true friend is out there waiting patiently for you.


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